February 5, 2013

The Missing Mitten Mystery

 Are you laughing yet?!  This is what I saw when I walked into the classroom on Monday morning!  Three mischevious Tiggers - one in a bassinet, complete with pacifier, diaper and baby powder; one riding the horsey; and one in the high chair, snacking on veggie straws.  Isn't this pure silly fun?!  I love it!  (Thanks for making my morning bright and sunshiney, Pops!)
Today, after all of us finished gawking and oogling over the Tiggers, we read:
The Missing Mitten Mystery
This book is adorable!  If you've not read it, you're missing out.  Check it out at the library or grab a copy at the bookstore.  I love love love the end!  After we read, the children took a few minutes (and by minutes, I mean seconds) to find our missing red mitten.  It was under the table by our library books!
At the matching table, the kiddos worked on a mitten color match game as well as a similarly-designed football number match game (1-10).  There was also another mitten matching game, in which they were supposed to match the designs on the mittens.
At the discovery table, we worked on the concept of left and right.  Your child brought home a yellow paper with a pair of mittens.  We placed our hands on the mittens, and sang, "This one is the left, and this one is the right" several times, while pointing to each hand.  We also worked on mitten lacing, which they did very well with!  These are in the hallway for your viewing pleasure.  :)  I'm very proud of the effort and concentration that these smart cookies used for this activity!
Wednesday, the kids will be introduced to the February sensory table in the block room.
The base is red and white beans, and the sensory items include:
  • heart doilies and pink foam flowers
  • pink and white feathers
  • various sizes of red, pink and white bottle caps and lids
  • 2 small empty playdough containers
  • heart ribbon
  • red and white pipe cleaners
  • valentine cupcake liners
(Before Wednesday, we will also add some scoops, spoons and cups.)
The kids were eager and interested as I was preparing this table.  I knew they wanted to get into it right away, but I wanted them to have a few minutes of free play at the end of class.  It will be ready and waiting for them on Wednesday!

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