Have you had enough rain yet?!
In our community, there is quite a bit of flooding, so I think it's safe to say that we've gotten our fair share for the moment! Maybe the weather is making up for the drought we had last year?
On Wednesday, our class learned about cloudy weather. We read:
I adore Eric Carle books, and this one is no different! His stories are always very cute, easy enough for young children to understand, and his illustrations are amazing. In this story, Little Cloud changes his shape from a regular puffy cloud to lots of other things, including a bunny and a shark.
For our art project, we asked the kids to fingerpaint a cloud, and they got to decide what shape their cloud would be. This kiddo decided his cloud changed into numbers....
....while this one changed into a smiley face! Such clever little meteorologists!
Since I've been assessing kids for conferences, I didn't get a chance to snap many pictures. Our other centers of the day included:
- sensory: cloud dough
- easel: crayons and markers
- highlighter tracing ABC's and numbers
- housekeeping and train set
We also had a parent reader at the end of the day, and she read:
The kids loved this story! We don't get to read a lot of fairytales in our class, and stories like The Three Little Pigs often become favorites of the younger crew. They are able to remember the repetitiveness of the storyline, so that they can retell it over and over.
Here are some other books about clouds that your child may enjoy:
Next up - rainy spring weather...and we sure do have experience with that! See ya!
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