December 1, 2012

Rudolph & Olive

On Friday, we read:
Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) (Pictureback(R))Olive, the Other Reindeer [Hardcover]
We talked about being nice and friendly to others, even if they are different from us.  Just like Rudolph learned, being different is what makes us special!
The kiddos crafted Rudolph puppets for their art project, and happily played with them when they were finished.  :)  See the antlers?  They are your child's handprints!

We used our foam Christmas trees and ornaments game again, but this time the children played a bit differently.  Instead of using dice and putting the trees in numerical order, I placed them randomly, and just asked the kids to match the same number of ornaments to the star on the tree.  If a star had the number 4, then they would place 4 ornaments on that tree.  This time, I allowed them to choose if they wanted to participate in this center, and I'm happy to report that most children were eager to decorate these trees!

Tomorrow I will post about our letter Kk activities.  Stay tuned!

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