Hello Pre-K Families!
I will be posting the Saturday Scoop each week to recap what we've accomplished in pre-k. We have definitely been very busy bees, working, learning, laughing, and playing. The kiddos are getting into the groove of our daily routine, and forming friendships with their peers. Check out what we did this week! We...
- introduced the letter Aa. Ask your child to show you how we sound out the letter Aa. We practiced skywriting Aa, and forming Aa in applesauce.
- measured Curious George with different items, such as rulers, pennies and crayons. Each of the children were also measured, and their current heights are on our growth chart. We will do this activity again at the end of the year to see how much they've grown!
- read the books Curious George Goes to School, Pirates Ahoy!, Shiver Me Letters: A Pirate ABC and I Love You.
- made adorable, "nice pirate" hats, using newspaper, cutouts and googly eyes, then went on a treasure hunt around our school to find buried treasure. Ask your kiddo where we found it!
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- learned that there is another way to blow up a balloon, other than using your own air. Just use an empty 2 liter bottle, some vinegar, and a little baking soda!
- watched the best part of the week - the soda geyser! Using a 2 liter of diet soda and 7 Mentos, we saw the soda quickly shoot straight up into the air. I loved hearing the squeals, screams, and giggles of delight, as well as "Do it again!" during this experiment. And of course, we did it again!
We had a great week! What was your child's favorite part? We will continue with the letter Bb next week, our apple theme unit, and we will also have monthly science experiement days. Can't wait until the next one!
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Happy Weekend, and See You on Monday!!
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