November 6, 2012

I Am Thankful For...

On Monday, we began our month-long celebration of Thanksgiving!
We read the book:
Thanksgiving Is for Giving Thanks
We gave lots of examples of things to be thankful for, or in a preschooler's mind, things that make us happy.  Many children cited food, toys and family - all things that are central to their world right now.
I didn't get to snap any pictures, but we also worked on our paper Thanksgiving Quilt.  I asked each child individually to name a few things that they're thankful for, wrote it on a colorful quilt square of their choice, and they decorated it with fall stickers.  All the children did a great job, and were very thoughtful with their responses.  We will hang the quilt outside of our classroom for all to see, and I will post pictures on our blog as well.  I am thankful for twelve amazing little pre-kindergarteners who brighten my days, make me laugh, and are pure blessings from above.  :) 
We finished up assessments for our upcoming conferences, including a cute monster color-by-number page.  The sandbox and easel centers were open, and loved by all.  These kiddos sure do love to paint!  Picassos-in-the-making, perhaps?  Yes, I think so!
See you on Wednesday! 


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